Books Books Books

Bingham's Library

Listen: Something Is Working

Excerpt from Introduction

This book isn’t the brainchild of a sophisticated or well thought out commentary about the music resonating in and out of Silver City. Neither is it a statement about those individuals contributing to the fantastic sounds reverberating in bars, coffee shops, and festivals, in addition to our homes, hearts, and minds. Music is everywhere. It moves my spirit to….to take photographs.

Well over 18 months ago I made the formal conversion from a film to a digitally - based camera. Resulting from that transition were over 15,000 photographs of Silver City’s local musicians in their performing elements.

Although I attend many local music events, and experience a wide variety of musicians (over and over), I fail to effort an understanding about why musicians cultivate their music, what their impressions of Silver City’s musical mores are, and what they hope to achieve through making music. My eyes engage through the lens, whilst a tapping foot influences the framing of visual rhythms. I understand through what I see…not exactly the exercising of epistemic technique.

I was curious what the local musicians [of Silver City] thought about the music scene [in Silver City] .

Publication Date: 2013
Number of Pages: 185
Purchase [Black and White] From Printer: Click Here, $11.52
Purchase [Color] From Printer: Click Here, $38.32
Download Color Edition: Listen.pdf [42Mb]

The Human Quality

Emotional Aesthetic Photography of George Reid

Excerpt from Introduction

I’m not confident in my ability for judging the accuracy of photographs, and I’m a photographer. I have yet to overcome the subjective arguments surrounding such a delicate undertaking. And in the greater scheme of things (human starvation, poverty, environmental destruction, etc.), I don’t think this a necessary trait in order to determine that which beholds both human value and a value to humanity.

The first time I encountered George Reid’s photographs, aside from images he’d taken of my family, wasn’t until he agreed to give a lecture at Western New Mexico University. The focus of this lecture revolved around two different environments inspiring his art making process: a Montessori school and the stages of local theatres. Upon my initial viewing, I wasn’t able to think about the photographs because their visual acuity kept me thoughtless; I didn’t have access to momentary reflection.

But, several weeks following his lecture, I can now say that I have dedicated substantial thought about the art of George Reid. Most of this arose after deciding to create this book. I just wanted to thank George for taking his time to open the eyes of young collegiate photographers, me being one of them (3 years ago). I certainly didn’t expect to have my floodgates unlocked, initiating inquiry into the nature of humanness and human qualities that might be fundamental outside of cultural influence(s).

-Tyler Bingham

Originally, this book was a compilation of George's photography, his color photography; George has the only color edition. The conversion of his color images to black and white does maintain suggestions of his framing choices, geometric sensibilities, and his [spatial] relationships with his subjects. However, George is a color photographer.

Publication Date: 2008
Number of Pages: 368
Purchase Hard Copy: Click Here $14.70

Elements of Identity Transition

Excerpt from, "Before." 

The world is easy, as complicated as myself. I can recognize inequities in every context, although I don’t know what a context is. I am a student of higher education. This I equate with a student of life. The ideological challenges I thrust onto the world fail to awaken within my daily behaviors. I am critical without knowing my own reflection. I am deep within a personal history that I allow others to develop for me. I know how to point a finger, yet I fail to notice that three are pointing back towards me. I know the ideal world, however, I’ve never been introduced to the world sustaining me. Participation is exercised via coercion. Free will is assumed. I make the choice to follow because that is all I am familiar with. I fear becoming the other, although that is who I am, and so are you. I travel by car across the country believing this makes me worldly and cultured. I don’t take the time to have a conversation with strangers because they don’t know who I am, nor I them. Yet I maintain the cycle because I am without the experience. I am a tourist of life.

1st book I ever [self] published. The ISBN was purchased from an online vendor, not sure if it has the inventory / tracking capacity it should. The process enabled me to discover the power of transforming a myriad of scattered papers into a single object.

This is really my only publication intended for a public audience.

Publication Date: 2008
Number of Pages: 92
Purchase Hard Copy: Click Here $12

Once Again We Head Up The River

Excerpt from the Interview

“…The ones that we used to see in this area would follow the Mimbres River, which starts up in Coony Canyon and ends somewhere in Deming, NM.

Migrant workers have been on the farm since my grandpa was born, 1914. Well, not through all his existence on the ranch because they started cracking down on the immigrant workers in the late 80s.

My brother would hang out with them so he could learn Spanish. So every chance he got he was over there visiting with them. They were very friendly.

I photographed, developed a curiosity, and then asked for the story. The text has not been modified from its original voice.

Publication Date: 2012
Number of Pages: 85
Purchase Hard Copy: Click Here $20.05


Into A New Style of Life

Excerpt from Back Cover 

More than a year ago I flew out to Chapel Hill, NC to discuss relocation possibliites with my mom. She has been formally diagnosed with Alzheimer's since 2010. I had expected her transition out to Silver City, NM to take more than two weeks. In a four day period, an iota of her posessions were packed in her car, the sale of her estate set in motion, lawyers met with, state agencies consulted, and temporary housing in Silver City arranged.

We drove across the country for three days, arriving in New Mexico a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving, 2011. Within a month it was realized that my mom needed assistance with her daily living, even though her vibrant energy and zest for doing were (and continue to be) persuasive traits suggesting otherwise.

Neither of us expected to find engaging regularity and connection with the Open Mic experience hosted by Diane's Parlor - each Sunday we try to find ourselves there.

This book chronicles her past year.

Originally, the year's collection of photographs were projected onto 10'x10' wall, intended to inspire my mom into memory-driven discourse. My mom had nothing to say or comment about the large projected images, people, or events; my [original] intention failed. This book is a result of that original failure - mailed to a handful of people who maintained interest [in her] during her transitional year.

Publication Date: 2012
Number of Pages: 130
Purchase Hard Copy: Click Here $40

An Analogue Life

Photography by: George Reid

Excerpt from the last two pages

At the end of the day, I'd always be ready for a cigarette. George would join me behind an old mining tire on the edge of the campus, where we were out of sight. By the end of the day I always adorned some form of a negative attitude toward the school's curriculum.

Georege was quick to ask [on a regular basis], "What's missing from the picture? What do you want to see?"

Were it not for these photographs, I may still be assuming the best-fit pedagogical roads are being instilled in my son. This is not to imply that I have taken a sharp ideological turn. This reveals that I will now give attention to the past, and not completely dismiss it for greener pastures.

Photographs can push a person into questioning consistencies between their words and their actions.

Publication Date: 2014
Number of Pages: 138
Purchase Hard Copy: Click Here $45.40

Virus Theater

Photography by: George Reid

Excerpt from, "Behind the Book?"

After uploading the 2500+ photographs of various Virus performances, I began the cutting process. Each photo not only coddled a story, but was visually engaging. Sam Bensusen had been working with George and his photographs for years, developing ideas and exercising a mindful editing process. So, I had to sift through an enormous batch of “keepers.”

My decision to use a photograph (1st round) was reached in less than 1 second. I had to cut the full batch by 90%. The 2nd and 3rd rounds of cutting required a bit more time, maybe 3 seconds per photograph. Ultimately, the number of photographs in a folder dictated when I was finished.

I Facebook group-messaged [solicited] the folk who ultimately contributed the text in this book. There are likely 50 other Virus Theater participants who would have submitted awesome ideas and experiences. Hence, this book’s scope could have spiraled into something unruly and time consuming. I took the easy and readily accessible route.

Ultimately, I wanted to celebrate the photography of George Reid in the context of Virus Theater. This is how the story unfolds…

No Notes

Publication Date: 2014
Number of Pages: `194
Purchase Hard Copy: Click Here $40.09
Download: Virus.pdf [23Mb]

Sojourner's True Fight

Photography by: Elizabeth Depew & Tyler Bingham

Excerpt from the interior

Concrete stripes flanked to pines navigation
Blurred encounters make sound contemplation
Red fabric white tin to branches few right
Smoke in Kings Blue horizon seek now plight

Wrong way and plastic Purvis eleven
Grazing with laurel subsides to heaven
Contorted twisting branches direction
Forging ahead a new formed connection

Northward anticipates bridges between
Geographies dig letters truth unseen
Familiar history returns a birth
Clay dirt and trails intercept common earth

In-between time gap encloses two lives
Returns familiar compass owed in time

By: Elizabeth Depew

Expressing my love, asking for her hand.

Publication Date: 2022
Number of Pages: 501
Purchase Hard Copy: Click Here $27.82